Brewster, NY

Brewster, NY Primary Image Click on the above image to view it in its full size.

24′ x 32′ x 12′ with a 10′ x 32′ Open Sided Lean To Attached

8/12 Pitch Roof  (No Attic)  4′ o/c Trusses

Pine Board & Batten Feature Wall Under the Lean To Porch

Fully Insulated and Metal Lined Interior

1- 16′ x 10′ Black Overhead Door with Dutch Corners


Project# 010FEBS24

Project Type: Hobby Style, Garage
Year Built:2024

Project Size:24' x 32' x 12' w/ 10' Lean To
Project Square Feet:768

Roof Color:Black
Siding Color:Charcoal (1 Wall w/ Board & Batten)
Trim Color:Black
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