Lovettsville, VA

This Clear Story building design is a Clear-Winner in our book! We’ve seen more requests over the past couple years for more unique designs than at any other time in our 40 plus year history. And it’s fun ! We love to build these one of a kind designs for our clients. They’re puzzles to a certain degree. Our design team starts laying out the fundamentals on computer screens while our truss department adds their layer of detail. Elevations are raised up on paper, measurements are calculated and our operations team starts figuring out each piece of lumber and metal we’re going to need to make the finish drawing jump to life! Right down to each and every screw. It’s a pretty amazing process.
But back to the star of the show. This is what’s called a Clear Story design. The pitch of the roof in the rear is a 4/12, while the pitch in the front is a 3/12. The vertical elevated area at the peak is usually around 3′ high to allow for smaller windows to be placed. They in turn light up the interior with natural light and give the exterior appearance a real wow factor. Leaf through the pics and you’ll see that we constructed an extra interior wall with a 6′ double door to this separated area. The 6′ double door in the front is protected with an 8′ wide eyebrow roof. Very cool 😉
What are you wanting to build? Give us a call today to discuss and reference the project number below if you’re looking for a design similar to this one.
Project # 057FEJB22