Wheeling, WV

We’re very proud of all aspects of our building process! For many years, we delivered and installed our garage doors. For the last several years, we’ve stepped our service up another notch. We deliver the overhead doors separately from the other building components and we wait till the building has been erected before we bring them out. At that time we have the doors professionally installed. Having this knowledge beforehand is extremely valuable to you because you can also have us provide and install openers at the same time.
This particularl building has a 12′ high ceiling, but the garage door in the back only needed to be 8′ high. This customer wisely opted for a Hi-Lift track system which costs much less than a taller door. The Hi-Lift track allows the door to climb the wall further up before it finishes its arch and rests just below the bottom chord of the trusses. Track extensions and openers can be problematic for workers that don’t deal with them on a daily basis, but that’s never a worry with Fetterville because your doors, your openers and any track extensions or low head room kits will be installed by professionals who only hang garage doors.
Project # 061FWMR22